Weight loss is a common challenge for many women, but for some, the process can be more complicated than how much it seems.
Diets, exercise and activity are often the first steps towards healthy weight loss, but there are also psychological factors at play that can make a difference.
In this article, we’ll explore some of the secondary, often unconscious, benefits that can hinder women on their weight loss journey.
If I win I risk losing, but what specifically?
Emotional protection: Fat can act as an emotional cushion, providing a sense of security and emotional protection. Some women may associate weight loss with increased vulnerability, making it more difficult to achieve their weight loss goals.
I refuse to grow up: Some women may associate weight loss with growth and maturity. While losing weight can be a healthy choice, it can also feel like a rejection of your childhood or your identity.
Fear of failure: Some women may fear failure, especially if they have tried and failed to lose weight in the past. This fear can lead to a form of self-sabotage, in which the individual convinces herself that she will not succeed anyway, thus preventing weight loss.
Identification with the past: Identification Some women may associate fat with loved ones who have been important in their lives, such as a beloved grandmother. This can make weight loss an emotionally difficult process, as if you are denying a piece of yourself. One with the past
Association with goodness: Some women may associate fat with “goodness” or “sweetness,” as if losing weight means becoming tougher and less welcoming.
Paura di essere desiderata: Alcune donne possono temere di diventare più desiderabili dopo la perdita di peso, portando a un timore di nuove relazioni romantiche o di attenzioni indesiderate.
Autopunizione: Alcune donne possono usare il dimagrimento come un modo per punirsi per le loro insicurezze o i loro errori passati. Questo tipo di mindset può ostacolare la perdita di peso, poiché l’individuo si sente in qualche modo “in colpa” e quindi non degno della perdita di peso.
Associazione con la sicurezza: Alcune donne possono associare il peso in eccesso con un senso di sicurezza e stabilità. La perdita di peso può sembrare un modo per “sbattersi nel vuoto”, rendendo più difficile affrontare la sfida della perdita di peso.
Fuga dal cambiamento: Alcune donne possono vedere la perdita di peso come un modo per rimanere nella propria “zona di comfort”, evitando di affrontare i cambiamenti e le sfide della vita. Il dimagrimento può sembrare un modo per restare nella “sicurezza” del proprio stato attuale.
Associazione con la condizione fisica: Alcune donne possono associare la perdita di peso con una riduzione della loro forza e resistenza. Sebbene la perdita di peso possa migliorare la salute, può anche essere percepita come un rischio per la capacità fisica.
Fear of becoming “invisible”: Some women may fear becoming “invisible” after weight loss, especially if their current weight is an important aspect of their identity. Weight loss may seem like a way to lose your “visibility” in the world.
Association with “control”: Some women may associate weight loss with a loss of control, as if losing weight means losing control of their food choices or their life.
Fear of “not recognizing yourself”: Some women may fear that they “don’t recognize themselves” after weight loss, especially if their current appearance is a key element of their personal identity.
Association with “loss”: Some women may associate weight loss with a sense of “loss” or “lack,” as if they are depriving themselves of something important. This fear is often associated with the fear of dying.
🔑There are many secondary advantages, and this is what we discover in our individual journeys.
And you, what secondary advantage do you have that stops you from proceeding straight towards your goal?
Weight loss (or rather getting back into shape) can be an emotional challenge in addition to the physical and nutritional one, especially for women.
While it is important to work on the physical and nutritional aspects of the process, it is equally important to be aware of the various psychological factors that can influence your weight loss journey.
I hope this article has given you something to think about and I invite you to sign up for my newsletter for further insights on these and other health and wellness topics.
Thanks for reading!
p.s.: Come and visit us at our free Live event on 9 and 10 March at the congress palace in Lugano. We talk about these issues during our conference.