
Exit the Labyrinth of Victimism: A Journey Towards Awareness and Inner Freedom

How to overcome victimhood and embrace awareness for a fuller and more satisfying life Imagine you are a character in a video game, trapped in a maze of pain and […]

Awareness And Gratitude For Living Lightly

Today I wish to explore a topic of great importance and depth: how to face and heal the wounds of the past to embark on a path of growth and […]

Mind-Body Alchemy: The Magic of the Connection between Mind, Body and Spirit

Mind – body – spirit: the magic of connection and awareness The relationship between mind, body and spirit is an eternal dance, a symphony in which each note affects the […]

Traveling by Plane Serenely: Manage the Need for Control

How to Deal with Anxiety Before Flying: If you’ve ever experienced anxiety before flying, I understand how overwhelming just the idea of ​​getting on the plane can be. The fear […]

Revealed: The Mystery of Fear of Flying in Women

Fear of flying in women: the secret revealed We know that a significant percentage, between 33% and 40%, of the population experiences anxiety related to flying. This phenomenon is more […]